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Terms and conditions

BlueSpecialists B.V. and its employees shall have no liability relating to, but not limited to, the accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this BlueSpecialists B.V. website.

Other sources of information

All information on this website serves as background information only, and cannot be used as any reference resource. You should always consult other sources of information as well.

Subject to change

BlueSpecialists B.V. further notes that the nature of the information means that such information is subject to change and obsolescence. Although BlueSpecialists B.V. makes every effort to keep the information current and up-to-date, it can give no warranty to this effect or accept any liability.

Indirect damage

BlueSpecialists B.V. shall not be liable for indirect damages, such as damages relating to loss of data, loss of profits or any other consequential damages. Further, BlueSpecialists B.V. shall in no event be liable for any damages for delay or damages resulting from inaccuracy and / or incompleteness and / or illegality and / or delay in timeliness of the information provided or published by BlueSpecialists B.V..


Copying text, images, logos and using text verbatim for other purposes is prohibited, unless requested in writing and with the permission of BlueSpecialists B.V.

Terms and conditions

All our deliveries are subject to the General Terms and Conditions of Hezelburcht: General terms and conditions Hezelburcht B.V..

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BlueSpecialists B.V. is part of The Hezelburcht Group.


Berg en Dalseweg 122
6522 BW Nijmegen
The Netherlands


Tel: 088 495 20 00

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